I was curious about this when I first heard about it. Was finally able to join a tour last month along with a large group of Hispanic Studies students.
These are a series of murals on walls of businesses mostly, in an area on the West side of San Antonio. The idea of this non-profit organization is to decorate public spaces, plus give local young artists an outlet for creativity and expression. Plus I think to contribute to the public debate.
As well, we heard that at one store, the presence of the murals has prevented "tagging," which is gang members spray-painting their signs/initials on places around town.
Most of the murals done by this organization are the "narrative" type. I was expecting more Graffiti Art (you know, big, bright letters basically). Instead, their murals tell a story with images.
One project was actually a mosaic. Many pieces of glass were assembled off-site and then mounted onto the side of a house. This piece was very heavy and needed a crane to lift it.
Thank you to Ruth for taking us around with her megaphone.